What Does Pellucere Mean?

Origin: Latin pellūcēre, to shine through : per-, through + lūcēre, to shine.

Pellucere (we pronounce it péll-oo-seer) is a Latin word which means “to shine through.” It is origin of our English word pellucid (which means transparent or translucent).

Since our company is focused on improving and managing the transmission of light using advanced nano-technology coatings, Pellucere Technologies™ seemed like a perfect fit.

Cool photo from Bob’s last backpacking trip. Does not really have anything to do with the name Pellucere. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cool photo from Bob’s last backpacking trip. Does not really have anything to do with the name Pellucere. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯